And then she said...

One chick and her quest to exploit the power of the written word.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Leaving... oh a jet plane

Well not really... in my ford taurus is more like it. I'm off to DC today for a show, and to see my Ginger and Adam. Whoo hoo... wish me luck at the event!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

My boyfriend came to visit me!

Whooo hooo...
I'm so happy, only a little sad cause Justin just left, but it was an fun time. He drove up to Raleigh (where I've been staying at my moms boyfriends "my new daddy" lol) And we went to dinner at Five Guys, which has Awesome Burgers... and really good fries.

Only bad thing was that I made a slight mis-hap in my directions, so he got a lil lost on the way to pick me up. But it's ok... he finally made it.

And now he's on his way back to Ft.Bragg :( Sad Lindsey.

Love you baby!
Oh... and the rest of you too...

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

My Favorite Websites

Since I'm a virgo, I love making lists... sometimes lists about lists... scary huh
But I figured I was kinda slightly bored, and would post a list of my favorite websites.

So here they are in no particular order: military wives and girlfriends etc... I AM addicted I think that's it... I usually link to it from my email, another military wives site, and elly would kill me if I didnt post it awesome gifts and stuff like that another gift etc site... uber nifty stuff other then being my all time favorite clothing store... i LOVE the home decor stuff the best store in the world to buy furnature in my humble opinion my boyfriends blog... whoo hoo you can type in things you like about a place to live, and they'll tell you what cities you should live in not because I really like it, but it gets me to my email which I love getting my future jewelry website

Ok... that's it. Now I know Justin will pop on saying somthing about how I can make the links prettier not the whole www. thing... but ya know what... i dont care. What if someone wanted to write down the link for later.... huh... did ya ever think about that smart guy... did ya... huh huh huh???

Ok... swoo... well then... moving on...

I'm sure i Love some other websites too... but that's really all I can think of for now...

Hugs y'all
Have a rare day!

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Did some re-decorating

Hope y'all like it... I think it's really... pink

Ha ha ha... yep I'm a dork. But I was getting a little tired of the skater boy looking old blog.

I'm sure there are ways to design your own... but I'm not that computer smartsy fartsy. Cause I wasnt too fond of any of the choices. Hmm... of I bet I can find some online... interesting...

Things I hate

Figured I'd share... cause I'm sure all of you are dying to know:

Being left out
Loud chewers
People who talk on their cell phones when you're around
Cheap beer
When my hairs all frizzy
How hard it is for some people to get ahead in life
How easy it is for others
When you play phone tag
When a light bulb burns out
Chocolate (most of it at least)
Things wrapped in leaves
Funky lettuce
Flat diet coke
People who refuse to work
Bad drivers
New Car smell

I'm sure there's more.. and I'll add as I think of them... but for now that's it.

I have a girlfriend whom I love, even though she rarely updates her blog.

Ok... So I'm sitting here reading my boyfriends blog... and realize that he's changed his little part on the side that talks about him (little part is the technical term)

And realized that he talks about me... and since I love it when people talk about me, as it further proves my theory that the world does in fact revolve around me... it made me smile.

So... it moved me to post. Not much mind you... but something.

I love you too baby.