And then she said...

One chick and her quest to exploit the power of the written word.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Shower power!

So I'm curious of something. Why is it that I can manage to spend a nice looooong time shaving my legs and still miss some hairs. I know it's silly... and I'm sure it happens to everyone. But for once, I'd like to step out of the shower, dry my legs off and not go "Oh snap" and have to reach for the razor again.

Sorry if that's TMI for the blogging world... but I'm pretty sure I've seen worse. Maybe it's just me... but hair in general is icky. I hate it if a hair falls of my head and is on my arm or something. Eeeew. That's the main reason I could never do hair for a living, as cool as it might be. But ugh... other peoples hair on me... EEP!

No thank you.

Ok... now I suppose I should get dressed before I give my neighbors a nice little show!

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