And then she said...

One chick and her quest to exploit the power of the written word.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

It feels like today....

Ok, I know I'm not the only one that loves that song. Makes me cry actaully... if you've ever seen the video for it, you know why. It's just very touching.

Anyway, just felt like posting my to-do list.
-Pack ( i leave for san jose in the morning)
-Go to AC Moore
-Make signs
-Make product
-Go to the stupid Shark place
-Pay phone bill (i'd like to have a phone when I get home)
-Look up locations for everything we'll need in cali

That might be about it... I wonder if I'll get it all done.... hmmm.. we'll see.

Have a great day everyone!

Monday, February 28, 2005

My favorite part...

Of my favorite book... from my favorite bookstore...

"On Love:
The strange thing about love is that it can make your heart beat faster, and the strange thing about love is that it can make you laugh and then cry. The strange thing about love is that it's uneven: in this life, you may be loved by someone you don't love back, and you may love someone who doesn't return your love.
The strange thing about love is tht it's always worth it, and the strange thing abou tlove is that it is always there somewhere in your life. The strange thing about love is that you have to believe in it for it to be true, and the strange thing about love is that, even if it's a different story then you expected, somehow it all works out.
Love is strange, isn't it? But trust in it... and you will be all right"

Awesome Show!

So I figured I'd let y'all know how Cali went. It was INCREDILBE. Other then totally killing my hand when we were tearing down our booth... it was great. It was our top sales show ever... so yes... I'm happy. On our way back though, we missed our flight so we had to spend an extra day in cali. So we went shopping, got our nails done, and got our hair cut. Yep, it was rough.

And looking forward to next weeks... which is in San Jose. I'll post more about that later... just wanted to update y'all.