when I grow up...
Finally it came to me. I decided what I wanted to major in... Studio Art with a minor in Creative Writing.
It seems so fun, it is certainly what I love to do. I love my photography class, and have always had a place in my heart for art. Aside from my preschool stint as a cow, my first real career choice was to be an art teacher. However at this point, I'm not sure if I'd want to teach... or if I'd be happier just being an artist. Selling my pictures and jewelry at hippy art fairs.
However after reading some myspace pages of my old friends (most from camp) I was inspired to see what environmental options my "dream school" Wellesley College has to offer. I'm planning on applying to Wellesley next spring (for neeexxxt fall) to finish up my degree. From their Environmental Studies page, they list what previous graduates of the program are doing...
Other jobs and fellowships:
Environmental Consulting
Environmental Grantmaking (Surdna Foundation)
Working at the Curu National Wildlife Refuge in Costa Rica
Documentary Filmmaking
Third Grade Teaching
High School Teaching
Natural Resources Defense Council
Cheese making
Watson Fellowship
Environmental Journalism
Working for the National Parks Service
Working for Outward Bound
Peace Corps Volunteer
Working for the Chicago Environmental Commission
Working for the Maine Natural Areas Commission
California Audubon Society Intern
Working at the Instituto de la Nauraleza y la Sociedad de Oaxaca
Organic Farming
Geoscience research
EVERY SINGLE one of those sounds so awesome to me. Even the ones that I have no idea what they are. And I suddenly remember back to my second career choice in life... I wanted to be a Camp Counselor and then eventually be Camp Director at my beloved CML. However, the reality of paying rent and such sunk in, and I had to move on to a different phase in my life. However there isn't a single time I catch a whiff of a pine tree and don't think back and wish I was there, driving down bear creek road and singing camp songs.
And yet another option keeps popping into my mind. Since I've spent crazy amounts of time in the doctors office and hospital lately, I have discovered the pang (is that the word I'm looking for) in my heart for the medical field. Of course this started from watching too much ER (mind you this was the same time frame that watching Mission Impossible made me want to be a spy) and the idea always stayed with me. At one point in my previous college career I was actually pre-med (and then for a very scary time pre-med and pre-law)
Which leads to the other childhood ambition... I wanted to be a lawyer. Not really something I want to do anymore. There are enough lawyers in the world. Plus it doesn't fit into one of the two "career requirement" categories for me, since it is neither "super easy and fun" nor "making a difference in the world". Not that there aren't lawyers out there doing good... I can just see greater possibilities in other things.
So anyway. You may notice a trend in my recent postings. I'm going through changes. I'm not sure what's going on in my head half the time. Hopefully this will all pass and a week or so from now I'll have decided to work at the movie theatre forever and learn to embrace the snowy life I live.
Possibly the greatest challenge with all of this is that I'm not just thinking for me. Before I could decide to pick up and move or change schools, or live in the woods for three months. But now I have a family (as small and furry as it might be) and that changes things. Hmm... maybe I just need to sleep in the backyard every once in awhile and that'll take care of things. Blah!
Enough from me! Can we all just take a vote and tell me what to do with my life! That would be a great help... thanks!