And then she said...

One chick and her quest to exploit the power of the written word.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Things I hate

Figured I'd share... cause I'm sure all of you are dying to know:

Being left out
Loud chewers
People who talk on their cell phones when you're around
Cheap beer
When my hairs all frizzy
How hard it is for some people to get ahead in life
How easy it is for others
When you play phone tag
When a light bulb burns out
Chocolate (most of it at least)
Things wrapped in leaves
Funky lettuce
Flat diet coke
People who refuse to work
Bad drivers
New Car smell

I'm sure there's more.. and I'll add as I think of them... but for now that's it.


Blogger Unknown said...

Being left out
Really? I hate being right out!
Agreed, but egg rolls rock!
Loud chewers
You hate my dad then!
People who talk on their cell phones when you're around
Hang on, I'm getting a call!
Cheap beer
*Throws out the Schlitz Malt Liquor I bought for the weekend...*
When my hairs all frizzy
lol, all women hate bad hair days
How hard it is for some people to get ahead in life
Well, ugly people... ya know
How easy it is for others
All I have to do is ask... oh, you said ahead... disregard
When you play phone tag
Tag! You're it!
When a light bulb burns out
Yeah! Only because you're short and can't reach the light fixtures!
Chocolate (most of it at least)
Oh come on, you're nuts! Chocolate rocks, most of the time.
Things wrapped in leaves
So much for my "Adam & Eve" fetish! ;)
Funky lettuce
What? I like Arugula! It's fun to say! A-rug-u-la!
Flat diet coke
Well, flat anything that shouldn't be is pretty bad, so I guess that would be too.
People who refuse to work
Looks over shoulder at surroundings... hmm, should I comment on this later?
Bad drivers
Hey! I've not had an accident since 1999!
New Car smell
Now this one I don't get. The new car smell is a sign that one is financially stable because they can afford a new car... or at least get their present car detailed at a very costly price ($150 in this area for a front-to-back, top-to-bottom clean)

8:55 AM  

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