And then she said...

One chick and her quest to exploit the power of the written word.

Friday, August 20, 2004

La la la la

I'm so excited... I'm off to pick up Justin now. It should take 2 1/2 hours to get there. Ugh.. its such a dull drive, but its worth it to see him. We're gonna have so much fun this weekend, and hopefully I'll be able to get some work done at the same time. Sad huh... I'll have a hunky sexy guy in my room the whole time and I'll be thinking about work. Sigh... Dont worry folks.. he'll get plenty of attention.

Off to fayetteville!

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Cant Wait

Oooh... I am so excited. Tomorrow this time, I'll be at Ft. Bragg picking up Justin so we can spend the weekend together. It's going to be such a great weekend.

I went shopping for food today so that I'll be able to cook for him. And now I'm finishing up cleaning my place so that it'll look nice. That means all I have left to do tomorrow is finish up a little bit of work and do the girlie prep stuff (hair,makeup,all that jazz)

Too bad he lives so far away, I'd be able to see him more often. But its much closer then some relationships I know of. And its not like he's deployed or anything and out of reach for weeks on end.

I'm just so lucky to have such an awesome guy as my boyfriend. We just kinda... click.

Well enough about him. I'm off to get some work done. And start yet another load of laundry. Whoo hoo... what fun.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Just Realized!

Oh my gosh! I just realized today is the 17th... and you all know what that means...

This is so exciting... I love my birthday. Growing up we never did much for holidays, becuase they always envolve family crap... but my mom would always do something really special for my birthday.

Doing a happy dance as I get to start the countdown until the big day.

The-soon-to-be-birthday girl


Ok... so I just have to vent. I hate my job. I really do. Well not really. I love what I do sometimes, its just other times, like right now, that I hate it. Its not really hard work... its just boring as fuck. Hmm... fuck... I wonder if I can swear on here. I cant imagine it being an issue... but on some websites I've been to they dont allow swearing in posts (on message boards) but I guess you know what you're getting yourself into when you start reading blogs.

Speaking of blogs... this all reminds me of the book Why Girls Are Weird... if anyone ever wants a hella funny book... thats the one. I nearly wet my pants when I was reading the chapter where she is working out and steps on her cats tail. Trust me people... its funny. For those of you that are curious how blogs and that book go together, its about a girl who starts an online journal of her life and such and falls in love and does all sorts of stuff.

Anyway... the only thing keeping me happy and trying to get work done is that I get to spend this weekend with Justin. I feel kinda silly becuase he's all I can think about. Which I'm sure is a good thing... but its all kinda new to me. I wish everyone were as lucky as me... he really is amazing. I've never met someone that has cared about me as much as he does, and he's just... mmmh... I cant even put into words how great he is.

Ok... now I feel goofy... so I'd better post quick before I change my mind and decide its a bad idea to go on about him like that.

Back to work... blah...

Sleepy Lindsey

Why is it that now matter how tired I am sometimes... I just dont want to go to bed. I think it all goes back to when I was a little kid and didnt want to go to bed for fear I might miss something exciting. You know... becuase I'm still convinced that my mom waited till I was asleep to bring out the ice cream and real live unicorn.

Off to bed with me...

Monday, August 16, 2004

Dog Tags of my very own

Ok... Now that I've had some sleep. I have realized even more how awesome my new boyfriend is.

I have a total thing for dog tags and so this past weekend Justin made sure he wore his. Which I promptly swiped from him and wore the rest of the weekend. Well... He has to have them or he gets in trouble, so we went and he got me my own set. This might not seem like a total big deal... But it was just something small and insanely sweet.

Well... That's it for now... Just had to brag about how sweet my boy is.


Guess who's back!

Oh thank goodness... I made it back from Charlotte. What a weekend. First off...

Whooooo hooooo! Justin is my boyfriend, and I'm his girlfriend, and its all sweet and cute and wonderful. :lindsey does happy dance: We had SUCH an awesome weekend. Not only was he wonderful and helpful with all the work I had to do... But we got to spend the whole weekend together. Not to get too personal... He's such a good kisser. And he smells SO good. He's also the sweetest guy I have ever met. Life is good.

Other then that... The weekend wasn't all that good. We didn't do as well as we could have, but life goes on. And boy did it rain a lot. I'm such a nervous wreck when I drive in the rain... Its amazing I made it home as quickly as I did.

Well... I'm super tired... So I'm crashing. Little FYI for all of you... I'm such a dork... In case you haven't figured that out yet, here's some proof. When Justin walked me to my car when I was leaving him. I cried! Yep... What a loser am I.

Later y'all,