And then she said...

One chick and her quest to exploit the power of the written word.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Shower power!

So I'm curious of something. Why is it that I can manage to spend a nice looooong time shaving my legs and still miss some hairs. I know it's silly... and I'm sure it happens to everyone. But for once, I'd like to step out of the shower, dry my legs off and not go "Oh snap" and have to reach for the razor again.

Sorry if that's TMI for the blogging world... but I'm pretty sure I've seen worse. Maybe it's just me... but hair in general is icky. I hate it if a hair falls of my head and is on my arm or something. Eeeew. That's the main reason I could never do hair for a living, as cool as it might be. But ugh... other peoples hair on me... EEP!

No thank you.

Ok... now I suppose I should get dressed before I give my neighbors a nice little show!

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

I'm so blah right now

So I never want to come across as the bad person in a situation. Generally speaking I try to do what's right, and I try to keep in mind that my actions aren't based on other peoples reactions. Meaning that the right thing to do when someone is mean to you, is not to be mean back.

But right now I'm so blah. My head and heart is so heavy. I'm just overwhelmed with everything that's going on. I dont want to get into all of it online, but I do feel as if I'm going crazy. I dont know what I want anymore... actually... that's a lie. I know what I want, I'm just not sure if it can be "gotten".

But for right now, I'm tired of being the grown up.

This is me... officially announcing the "new lindsey".

This Lindsey is different... she's smart and funny just like old lindsey, but she doesnt give into double standards, and she doesn't get walked on. Oddly enough, this lindsey likes to work out, run, go skinny dipping, drink too much and not regret it in the morning. That's who the new lindsey is. New lindsey is pretty, and she likes that. New lindsey has great eyes and is nice to people who are nice back. New Lindsey is tired of waiting.

That being said... new Lindsey is still confused. She doesnt know what to do. She's tired of not having a choice.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

10 Drinks later...

So last night was fun.

Starting at TGI Fridays with:
- mango margarita thing
- mojoto
- two shots of tequila
- a red headed dirty word shot
- most of vanessas second drink
and sips of all of jens including a martini and a nasty manhattin.

Then at the bar
- a few beers
- two screwdrivers (well I had two... I dont think I finished the second)
- a vodka and cranberry

All ending in a ride home in jens car where I told her numerous times that "even my feet are drunk"

Fun fun... crazy girls night on the town. Yay to all the awesome people we met! I would offer to post the pictures, but they'll be worth lots of money some day if I ever run for office... ha ha!

Monday, April 09, 2007

They say my brain is ok... but

So according to the nice people at the MRI place my brain is ok. There's nothing funky going on, things look even, there's no shifting, seperating or masses.

However... I'm not so sure. Not that I think i'm walking around with a serious brain turmor or anything... I'm just not sure about what's actually going on with my brain.

I keep having these really odd dreams. They're super vivid and I remember just about everything from them. That's not too odd for me, I've always been able to remember my dreams, but these new ones are SO real and I can feel the emotions of them actually effecting my body!

First example: I had this dream I was in some other country. I only know it was another country becuase when I tried to call my mom later in the dream, I couldnt becuase I didnt know the country code to call her. Anyway, I'm on vacation and me and my group are in a building for a class and the building starts getting attacked. So we're all on the floor, I can see the bombs or whatever flying over the building (becuase i"m near a window), windows are broken, we're getting sparks from the eletrical sockets because its raining and the water is hitting them. And I'm there on the ground praying (I can even remember what I was saying). Then the military shows up to help us, and there is a serious sense of relief when they show up. But then... and now we're to the moral of the story... I was wearing flip flops (because I was out sight seeing... why not) and we had to run from the building in the rain, and I wasnt going to be able to run. In fact we had to do more than run from the building, we were going to have to evacuate the city on foot. Just weird. From now on, I'm taking sneakers with me everywhere.

There have been some others, including one with our family friends, and their neighbor was using their hot tub as a birthing pool for a home birth and Ross (the kid in the family i was closest to) came home drunk, Ian the older brother was helping him, and boy is he losing some hair.

Then last night... I had a dream justin was coming home, and I wasnt ready. I was trying to find an outfit, and it was just weird. I think (this part is a little fuzzy) that there was some other girl there wanting him to come home too... but it was weird.

Anyway... I think the lesson from that dream was "I need to go shopping so I have something pretty for when my husband comes home"

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