So according to the nice people at the MRI place my brain is ok. There's nothing funky going on, things look even, there's no shifting, seperating or masses.
However... I'm not so sure. Not that I think i'm walking around with a serious brain turmor or anything... I'm just not sure about what's actually going on with my brain.
I keep having these really odd dreams. They're super vivid and I remember just about everything from them. That's not too odd for me, I've always been able to remember my dreams, but these new ones are SO real and I can feel the emotions of them actually effecting my body!
First example: I had this dream I was in some other country. I only know it was another country becuase when I tried to call my mom later in the dream, I couldnt becuase I didnt know the country code to call her. Anyway, I'm on vacation and me and my group are in a building for a class and the building starts getting attacked. So we're all on the floor, I can see the bombs or whatever flying over the building (becuase i"m near a window), windows are broken, we're getting sparks from the eletrical sockets because its raining and the water is hitting them. And I'm there on the ground praying (I can even remember what I was saying). Then the military shows up to help us, and there is a serious sense of relief when they show up. But then... and now we're to the moral of the story... I was wearing flip flops (because I was out sight seeing... why not) and we had to run from the building in the rain, and I wasnt going to be able to run. In fact we had to do more than run from the building, we were going to have to evacuate the city on foot. Just weird. From now on, I'm taking sneakers with me everywhere.
There have been some others, including one with our family friends, and their neighbor was using their hot tub as a birthing pool for a home birth and Ross (the kid in the family i was closest to) came home drunk, Ian the older brother was helping him, and boy is he losing some hair.
Then last night... I had a dream justin was coming home, and I wasnt ready. I was trying to find an outfit, and it was just weird. I think (this part is a little fuzzy) that there was some other girl there wanting him to come home too... but it was weird.
Anyway... I think the lesson from that dream was "I need to go shopping so I have something pretty for when my husband comes home"
Labels: dream, mri