And then she said...

One chick and her quest to exploit the power of the written word.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone!
Bye bye 2004
Hello 2005
My resolutions this year:
-get organized
-build company more
Whoo hoo... we'll see how I do on that.
I'll keep you updated on all of that.
Later y'all

Friday, December 31, 2004

And she cried

She cried for all the loss she'd ever felt. She cried for friends, she cried for love, She cried for the people at war, she cried for change, she cried for staying the same, she cried for everything she'd ever said, and she cried for everything she hadnt.
She cried for stregenth, she cried for weakness, she cried for the way the ocean made her feel, she cried for her father. She cried for everyone she'd ever hurt, she cried for everyone who'd hurt her. She cried for everything inside her, she cried for everything she'd pushed away. She cried for her failures, she cried for every success she could remember. She cried becuase she could only remember a few.
She cried for the people she'd lost, she cried for the people she'd loved, and she cried for those she lost without ever getting to say goodbye. She cried becuase she was sorry, she cried becuase she was mad, she cried because she was sad.
She cried becuase she knew from this moment on her life would never be the same. She cried becuase that scared her. And she cried becuase for the first time ever, she saw change coming, and relized it's just as bad as when you dont. She cried becuase she was scared. She cried becuase she knew she had reason to be. She cried for being alone. She cried for being alone in a croud.
She cried for every lie she'd fourced herself to believe. She cried for every lie she'd fourced someone to believe about her. She cried for who she was trying to pretend she was. She cried for the amazing person inside she'd never let out. She cried becuase she was grown up, she cried for the little girl still deep inside. She cried becuase this was the last day she was going to pretend.
She cried for so much more.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Meet the Roomates

So... things with DC are rolling smooth again.

I had already met this girl named Amanda who is moving to DC at the same time. And for awhile I was worried that her and I woudlnt be able to find a good place for something we could afford.


But wait... who's that in the distance. Rob! Yay! Great and wonderful Rob lives near DC and has been waiting to move out of his place. (he's tired of the people he's living with) So we're saved... and this way, we can actually pay less and get more. It's gonna be great. Not to mention the added safty of not having just girls living in our apartment. Plus that means a guy around to open things and kill spiders.

Anyway.. just had to brag... becuase I'm beyond excited.
Later y'all

Oh, and if any of you were wondering about my "talk" with justin about being just with him. Well, even though three days before he told me that he wanted it to be happy us again, he was aparently enjoying the idea of dating other people. That's fine... at this point, its' like... I'm just tired of getting hurt. And still love him, but I can't keep loving someone who doesnt love me back. (although just for the record, as of when he came to see me, he said he still did... but I'm not gonna keep arguing) So dont worry everyone... lindsey's gonna be ok... she's got magic beans.