And then she said...

One chick and her quest to exploit the power of the written word.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Cant Wait

Oooh... I am so excited. Tomorrow this time, I'll be at Ft. Bragg picking up Justin so we can spend the weekend together. It's going to be such a great weekend.

I went shopping for food today so that I'll be able to cook for him. And now I'm finishing up cleaning my place so that it'll look nice. That means all I have left to do tomorrow is finish up a little bit of work and do the girlie prep stuff (hair,makeup,all that jazz)

Too bad he lives so far away, I'd be able to see him more often. But its much closer then some relationships I know of. And its not like he's deployed or anything and out of reach for weeks on end.

I'm just so lucky to have such an awesome guy as my boyfriend. We just kinda... click.

Well enough about him. I'm off to get some work done. And start yet another load of laundry. Whoo hoo... what fun.


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