And then she said...

One chick and her quest to exploit the power of the written word.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Feeling the need for a diaper debate!

I'm curious how many people start using cloth diapers but then change their mind because disposables are easier.

Justin and I don't have kids yet, but I decided awhile ago that whenever we do, I want to use cloth diapers. It all started when I saw the commercial for Cool Alert Pull-Ups . Something about this drives me crazy! All I can think is... "I don't want a chemical reaction in my child's diaper!"

However, whenever I tell someone my plan, they look at me with this what-the-heck-are-you-thinking-crazy-lady look. In fact the last time I had this conversation with my mother she told me that she doubts it will last, after I have a screaming baby in one hand and a dirty diaper I have to rinse off in the other, that I'll be begging for disposable.

Until today, I always thought this was crazy. I could handle it... I'm awesome... I'm going to breast feed and make my own baby food... UNTIL TODAY!

As I walked to the bathroom again, with a wad of TP around doggy poo for the tenth time today... I am beginning to doubt how well I'll really do with diapers I have to wash myself.

Sigh... my cruchy momma dreams are heading out the window.


Blogger karrie said...

My 2 cents? Wait and see how parenthood treats you. Pick and choose what works for you.

First, many kids go right from standard diapers to underwear. Pull-ups are kind of a PITA.

I think cd's are great in theory, but oddly considering I live in a progressive urban area, there is only one cd service. I have enough laundry as it is, and had a rough go of it postpartum,so washing diapers was not something I felt I could reasonably add to the mix. A lot of people I know use a mix of cloth and disposables.

With homemade baby food, I love to cook so was all over that option. My son, not so much. He preferred smashed up bites of sweet potato and fruit to my lovingly pureed organic stews. A food mill is a great investment.

Doggy poop is worse than the poop of your own spawn. I'm not sure why,but trust a random stranger from the net on that one. :)

6:24 AM  

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