And then she said...

One chick and her quest to exploit the power of the written word.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

duck duck duck


So I figured I'd update the world on what's been shaking in my life this week.

Elly and I started talking again. I honestly forgot how much her and I had in common, kinda awesome really... We talked for a really long time one night, kind hashed things out, and talked about all sorts of really important stuff.

We got our new catalog sheets made, and they turned out AWESOME. We came out with some new designs and products at the same time, so it was double cool to see the new stuff in print for the first time.

Rick is finally in town for his pre-deployment crap. We finally got in touch with one another and he came over on his super short lunch break on Thursday. It was nice, he's gotten so much more freckly. And to top it off... he was coming right from work, so he was all cammied out... and nothing beats a man in cammies. What sucks is with their schedule right now, he's working every frickin day, and only had like 20 minutes the day he came over... hopefully he'll have some time for me. He's wanted to take me to see National Treasure for the longest time, he saw it a few weeks ago (right when it came out) Because he's a history and stuff like that kinda buff... and wanted to see it again... so we were planning on seeing it as soon as he got here. Lucky for us it's still showing here, I just hope it holds out a little longer. Anyway... he leaves so soon anyway. Beginning of feb. But here's hoping we can hang out more before he goes.

I also got two... yes two letters from Nathan. He's this friend of ellys fiance who is in the sandbox right now, and I started writing too... and he finally sent me pictures, and um... WOW. He is a very good looking guy. But it was cool to hear form him and know he's doing alright and stuff. And I know when he's coming home, and I know he's looking forward to that. Elly is going to HI to welcome home her sweety and keeps telling me that I should go with her to meet Nate, lol... if only I had that kind of money, I so totally would.

Lets see... what else. Jake is coming home next weekend... maybe maybe not. They just told him that he might have to stay another three months. Which totally sucks. He's leaving again in March anyway... so if he does stay, he'll only get a week off then he'll be back over again. He finds out on wednesday for sure if he's coming home or not. I know he cant wait to get home. So I can only hope for his sake that he gets to. And since he's there with a small unit, he get to use the sattalight (sattalite?) phone whenver he wants, so we had this awesome two hour conersation the other night... the stories this guy tells... FRICKIN hillarious.

Um... other then that, life has been pretty normal. I lost 13 pounds... yay me. Considering how much I want to lose, it's a nice start. I'll keep you all updated... then again... it's not like anyone reads this... but a girl can dream cant she.

Well... I think that's enough Lindsey for now. I'm gonna crash now... y'all have a good night. And my spell checker wont work... so just ignore anything that's spelled wrong.


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